Sunday, June 30, 2013

Will they eat it?

I am the mother of 2 energetic kids that love to eat.  The problem is that they are also some of the pickiest eaters out there.  It seems like they live on childhood staples like chicken nuggets, hot dogs, and mac & cheese.  Trying something new is a long shot.  Dad and I like it but they don't, he likes it but she doesn't, or the other way around.  Putting something new on the table that everyone agrees on is almost impossible.

 This is picky.  He has decided that he doesn't like onions or tomatoes and will pick them out of anything that we eat.  He finishes dinner with a pile on the side of his plate that he labels "yucky stuff".  It's also a fight to get him to eat most fruits and vegetables.

This is picky jr.  Although she will eat most vegetables, she avoids fruit except applesauce.  It's easier to get her to try new things, but if big brother says "yuck" then she won't eat it either.  

I was brought up in a home where everyone ate the same dinner, so I don't like to make them something special.  Sometimes, though, I wonder if it wouldn't be easier on everyone.  This blog will chronicle the culinary adventure of our family.